April Small Business Marketing Ideas

March 7, 2023

Think Spring! It’s time for some April marketing ideas.

Think Spring! It’s time for some April marketing ideas. People are tired of Winter and ready for Spring and renewal. Think of offers to help your audience with a “rebirth” in their life, home, or business. It’s also a big month for gardening and growing so maybe your April theme could be growth or conservation. There are plenty more ideas to choose from if these aren’t your thing, just keep reading.

April Small Business Marketing Ideas

Two big holidays in April are April Fools Day (April 1) and Easter (April 9). Make sure you take pictures during the holidays and tag people on Twitter and Facebook so they can share the post. Here are some special days this month:

April Fools Day (April 1) – Have some fun with your marketing by playing a practical joke on your customers or yourself. Be creative but keep things light-hearted and fun. April Fools Day jokes for marketing are meant to attract people to your business and should be related to it. You can also play around with graphics to make funny pictures and post them on social media.
Easter (April 9) – Some marketing ideas for your small business include:

  • Restaurants can serve traditional Easter meals.
  • Bars can feature an Easter drink on social media.
  • Photographers can run Easter picture specials.
  • Daycares can make a day to take pictures with an Easter bunny.
  • Bakeries can post cake and cupcake photos on social media and blogs to drive Easter orders.

Tax Day (April 18) – People either love or hate this day depending on if they’re getting a refund. This is prime time for accountants to market their business but other businesses can benefit too. Restaurants and bars can offer Tax Day specials. Retail stores can run promotions to help people spend their refunds. And any business can incorporate a playlist of money songs!
Earth Day (April 22) – Earth Day is all about nature. Flower shops can host a webinar or write a blog about reusing dried flowers for decor, and interior designers can provide tips about decorating with nature.
Other days you can use for marketing include DIY Day (4/2), Good Friday (4/7), Walk to Work Day (4/7), National Siblings Day (4/10), National Pet Day (4/11), Int’l Moment of Laughter Day (4/14), World Art Day (DaVinci’s birth date) (4/15), National Look-Alike Day (4/20), Get to Know Your Customers Day (4/20), World Creativity and Innovation Day (4/21), National Take a Chance Day (4/23), National Kids and Pets Day (4/26), Pay It Forward Day (4/28), and National Honesty Day (4/30).

You can also use weeklong events to boost your marketing. Here are some ideas for April:

April 1 – 7 Laugh at Work Week
April 9 – 15 Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
April 10 – 16 National Wildlife Week
April 17 – 21 National Work Zone Awareness Week
April 16 – 22 National Volunteer Week
April 23 – 29 National Library Week
April 24 – 28 Every Kid Healthy Week

There are also month-long holidays that might resonate with your business and audience.

  • International Customer Loyalty Month
  • National Card and Letter Writing Month
  • National Pet Month
  • National Humor Month
  • Keep America Beautiful Month
  • Global Child Nutrition Month
  • Jazz Appreciation Month
  • National Decorating Month
  • Informed Women Month
  • Workplace Conflict Awareness Month

Spring Cleaning

Spring is a great time for cleaning services, organizers, and interior designers. Use this chance to share tips on how to spruce up homes for the new season. Cleaning Services can offer promotions or referrals for new or current customers to jump-start business and contractors or construction services can blog or post videos about common Spring issues. If you’re starting a blog, spring cleaning is a great topic for your first post.


Springtime is big-time for sports and marketing your business! There’s the Master’s Tournament for golf and the NCAA Basketball Championship. If your business is sports-related, this is a slam dunk. If not, you can take advantage by cheering on local teams and using team colors in your marketing and promotions. Flower shops can offer custom bouquets and bakeries can sell cakes and cupcakes in team colors! Take advantage of these opportunities to hit a marketing home run!

April is the perfect time to Spring into marketing with promotions that could include blog or social media posts, sales and discounts, contests, and more.

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