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How to generate leads using Google Ads?

Generating leads is important for your business and Google Ads is a great way to do it, if you know how. Here’s what you need to know.

How to generate leads using Google Ads?

Generating leads is essential for your business if you want to increase revenue and grow your customer base. One effective way to generate leads is with Google Ads, a powerful advertising platform that lets you reach potential customers who are actively searching for your products or services. Here’s how to use Google Ads to generate leads.

  • Define Your Target Audience - Before you start advertising, you need to define your target audience.
    • Who are the people you want to reach with your ads?
    • What are their needs, interests, and pain points?
    • What kind of keywords are they using to search for your products or services?

By understanding your target audience, you can create ads that are relevant and compelling, which will increase the chances of getting clicks and conversions.

  • Use The Right Keywords - Keywords are the foundation of Google Ads. When people search for your product or service on Google, they’ll use keywords to find relevant results. That makes it crucial to choose the right keywords for your ads. First, do some keyword research to find out what keywords your target audience is using. You can do this using tools such as Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords and estimate their search volume. Choose the keywords that are relevant to your business and have a high search volume.
  • Create Compelling Ad Copy - Once you have chosen the right keywords, the next step is to create compelling ad copy that will grab the attention of your target audience. Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and relevant to the keywords you are targeting. It should also highlight the benefits of your products or services and include a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages people to click on your ad.
  • Use Ad Extensions - Ad extensions are additional pieces of information that can be added to your ads, such as your phone number, address, or links to specific pages on your website. Ad extensions can help your ads stand out from the competition and provide more information to potential customers. Some of the most popular ad extensions include call extensions, location extensions, and site link extensions.
  • Optimize Your Landing Pages - Your landing pages are the first page of your website that visitors see after clicking your ads. It's essential to make sure that your landing pages are optimized for conversions and allow visitors to take the action that you want. Your landing pages should be relevant to the ad copy and keywords you are targeting, and they should have a clear and compelling offer that encourages people to take action. Slow-loading pages can result in a high bounce rate so make sure that your landing pages are mobile-friendly and load quickly. If your site doesn’t come across as trustworthy and professional, your visitors are less likely to submit their information.
  • Use Remarketing - Remarketing is a powerful way to target people who have already visited your website or interacted with your ads. Remarketing can help you stay top of mind with potential customers and increase the chances of getting conversions. You can create remarketing lists based on various actions, such as people who have visited specific pages on your website or people who have abandoned their shopping carts. You can then use your remarketing lists to create ads that are tailored to these specific audiences and encourage them to come back and complete their purchase.
  • Track Your Results - You need to track your results to see how your ads are performing and make necessary adjustments. Google Ads provides a variety of metrics, such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per conversion, that can help you understand how your ads are performing. Use this information to optimize your ads and landing pages, test different ad copy and keywords, and make data-driven decisions that will improve your results over time.

By doing these things, you will create effective Google Ads that will help you reach your target audience and generate high-quality leads for your business. Remember to stay flexible and adjust your strategy as you learn more about your audience and the things they respond to.


If you want to know more about using Google Ads for your business you can read our article, “Pros and Cons of Running Google Ads Yourself vs Hiring a Professional”, or contact us.

Tags: leads, Google Ads

Geoff Strauss