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Top 10 Marketing Ideas for Chiropractors

According to Grand View Research, the United States chiropractic market was valued at $12.26 billion in 2017 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 4.32 percent by 2025. This growth will largely depend on the number of patients who prefer non-invasive treatment for chronic pain.

With more than 44% of chiropractors working as self-employed specialists, effective marketing is an indispensable tool in helping a chiropractic facility establish a presence in society and attract patients.

Here are the top 10 chiropractic marketing ideas to diversify your strategy and drive growth.

1. Increase your patient engagement

Patients like to engage with their preferred healthcare providers or facilities. Do the little things that can keep them engaged as this will give them a place to belong. Indeed, a place where they are part of a big family. Using social media and sending travel wellness tips to your patients are effective ways to connect with patients.

2. Launch business partnership wellness programs

Approach various business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations in your area to partner with them and provide wellness programs. Consider giving discounts to their employees, organize a seminar, and workers’ health fairs. This will help reach more people within your locality.

3. Host regular wellness events

Open your chiropractic facility one or two evenings monthly to host wellness events. Your monthly newsletter is an excellent way to market the event and probably focus on a specific area of wellness that is of significant interest to your target audience. It’s also helpful to encourage the attendees to bring a colleague or friend.

4. Create an effective patient referral program

Consumers love incentive programs. Create a program that encourages your current and previous patients to refer other patients to your chiropractic office. For example, you can offer a free session or discounted services and products.

5. Send a chiropractic newsletter

This is an inexpensive, effective way to connect with your patients and attract new ones. Be sure to share content that is relevant to your audience, invite your patients to sign up for regular updates, and use your social media presence to promote the newsletter with exciting teasers about upcoming services or issues.

6. Create a high-quality website for your chiropractic facility

Just like all other business websites, get your website created with your target audience in mind. Remember, patients care about the first impression they get when they land on your homepage. Having a professional website with a relevant, well-crafted copy could attract more patients.

7. Generate more leads with an effective content marketing strategy

The most effective way to create a lasting buzz in the chiropractic industry is to publish or share content that answers the questions your patients typing on Google regularly. Provide content about every topic your patients want to learn, and then start sending them timely emails with helpful content such as blog posts, videos, and infographics.

8. Clean up your citations

Think of citations like Yelp, Yellow Pages, Google My Business, and more. Check your profiles on these platforms and ensure your facility name, physical address, contact information, and other details are correctly presented. Patients who find your facility on these directories could choose to contact you or visit your facility.

9. Encourage your patients to write reviews about your services

Consumer reviews are an excellent way to build a positive reputation. Ask your patients to check your GMB profile or your website and write a review. In addition to boosting your website’s ranking, positive reviews will help you build credibility as an expert in your field.

10. Don’t ditch traditional marketing approaches

Expert marketers still emphasize the importance of some of the traditional marketing strategies. Get your chiropractic practice mentioned in local newspaper press releases, movie theatre advertisements, billboards, ads, and more.

Wrap up

A strategic marketing plan can build your chiropractic practice. Implement one or a combination of the ideas discussed above to retain your current patients, attract new ones, and grow your chiropractic facility.

Tags: marketing ideas, marketing advice, chiropractor marketing
