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Top Ten Marketing Ideas for Insurance Agencies


In our modern society, marketing has become a dominant force. The internet and technology have revolutionized nearly every aspect of our lives, and marketing isn’t an exception. Your first hurdle in acquiring and retaining customers is breaking through the noise and connecting with your prospects. Here are the top ten marketing ideas for insurance agencies.

1. Create a user-friendly and professional insurance website

The most effective marketing campaigns must begin and end with your site. It’s often the first interaction policyholders will have with your brand, and approximately 75 percent of them will judge your company’s credibility based on how your website looks and functions. So, make your insurance company website faster, secure, and mobile-friendly.

2. Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Potential policyholders have to be able to find your brand online. 93 percent of all online experiences start with a search engine, and that means you must get your website to the top pages in search results. A recent study revealed that most consumers won’t venture past the top three organic search results pages.

3. Create a blog and keep it up-to-date

Blogs do more than bringing traffic to your website. They prove your authority on insurance-related topics, build trust, and transform your insurance company into a somewhat universal source of information.

According to Forrester, an average person reads about 11.4 pieces of relevant content before they make a purchase decision. Thus, your blog posts and other informative pieces of content play an integral role in helping your target audience understand your products and make a purchase decision.

4. Leverage the power of video marketing

According to a study done recently, consumers in the United States now watch up to 6 hours of digital videos a day. Also, 73 percent of B2B marketing experts say that video has positively contributed to their marketing results. Consider creating informative videos and show commitment to helping policyholders achieve goals.

5. Reviews

About 85 percent of internet users trust online reviews as much as recommendations from family and friends. So, if you don’t have a strategy to generate reviews, you need to implement one. For instance, you can request your policyholders to leave a review.

6. Don’t ignore social media

Social media marketing is evolving and constantly changing. That means gaining traction isn’t as easy as it used to be. In addition to creating informative posts and keeping your target audience engaged, you may want to explore other options such as social ads and promoted posts. These techniques can help you reach beyond your current network and improve your brand’s exposure across social networks.

7. Amp up your networking

About 82 percent of Americans seek recommendations from colleagues, friends, and family when considering insurance services. That means it’s important to get your name out there. In today’s technology-driven marketing world, connecting in person might sound old-fashioned and more challenging. But when it comes to connecting with prospects and building lasting relationships, there is no substitute.

8. Ensure brand consistency

Make sure your brand information is consistent across all offline and online channels such as review websites, social media profiles, your company website, and more. Also, you must keep these details up-to-date and accurate.

9. Email marketing

This is an effective tool for rounding accounts, keeping your leads or prospects in the pipeline, up-selling, and can help close new business requests. Note that email marketing strategy is versatile in how you can use it, and it’s effective in generating more sales.

10. Paid lead generation

This an effective lead generation strategy for insurance companies. However, you must have a sufficient budget to do so. You can run Google Ads, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and more. If you choose to implement a paid advertising strategy, consult with an experienced digital marketer.

Wrap up

Now that you know marketing concepts and strategies for insurance companies choose what best suits your brand. And if you are like so many other busy professionals and don’t have the time to handle marketing activities, hire an experienced digital marketer. 

Tags: Marketing ideas, marketing insurance agencies, insurance agencies, insurance services
